Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Pocket Informant 5.1 Released
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "SOFTWARE" @ 06:00 AM
Pocket Informant 5.1 has been reased and with the usual tweaks and fixes, there are also a number of enhancements:
Custom View names now show in a list below the custom view text field. Select it and it auto-fills it in.
Completing a task with autojournal on now adds the completed tasks' subject to the journal entry
When in Search View and only one data type is selected to search on, the New menu will create that type
New option for showing completed task dates
Regenerating Tasks now supported
Now support more styles for overdue tasks
Backup Restore Journal, HT, and All
Icon chooser now rewritten using the PI Grid - much faster and better use of memory
Tapping on date in picker opens date picker
12 Year Month Date Picker with Category Colors applied as well as category filtering
Company Pics are now used if no personal pic is found
Quick Edit button with user choice for quick rename or direct to edit screen
Much much more!

It is a free upgrade to all Pocket Informant 5.0 users and $12.95 for upgrades from a previous version. If you don't already own Pocket Informant, you can buy it for $24.95 at the Pocket PC Thoughts Handango store.
Pocket Informant 5.1 has been reased and with the usual tweaks and fixes, there are also a number of enhancements:
Custom View names now show in a list below the custom view text field. Select it and it auto-fills it in.
Completing a task with autojournal on now adds the completed tasks' subject to the journal entry
When in Search View and only one data type is selected to search on, the New menu will create that type
New option for showing completed task dates
Regenerating Tasks now supported
Now support more styles for overdue tasks
Backup Restore Journal, HT, and All
Icon chooser now rewritten using the PI Grid - much faster and better use of memory
Tapping on date in picker opens date picker
12 Year Month Date Picker with Category Colors applied as well as category filtering
Company Pics are now used if no personal pic is found
Quick Edit button with user choice for quick rename or direct to edit screen
Much much more!

It is a free upgrade to all Pocket Informant 5.0 users and $12.95 for upgrades from a previous version. If you don't already own Pocket Informant, you can buy it for $24.95 at the Pocket PC Thoughts Handango store.