Tuesday, June 15, 2004
A Collection Of MY Kind Of Games
Posted by Brad Adrian in "SOFTWARE" @ 03:00 AM
It is amazing just how many types of games there are for the Pocket PC. Some of them are frantic, arcade-style games, but there are also more calm, strategy-based games. If you happen to like playing board games, here is a collection of games from Pocket Adventures that have been dutifully ported to the Pocket PC.

The games look beautiful and are packed with features:
• Five difficulty levels for each game
• Outstanding graphics and audio by Jaybot7
• Human vs Computer, Human vs Human and Computer vs Computer
• Hints (Can be turned on and off)
• Unlimited undo
• Save/Load buttons
• Fully skinnable boards and pieces
These games might not have "body counts" or laser guns like some of the other Pocket PC games, but they are still classics and offer great challenges to your strategic abilities. There is a free demo available and a full version for $9.99 via Handango.

The games look beautiful and are packed with features:
• Five difficulty levels for each game
• Outstanding graphics and audio by Jaybot7
• Human vs Computer, Human vs Human and Computer vs Computer
• Hints (Can be turned on and off)
• Unlimited undo
• Save/Load buttons
• Fully skinnable boards and pieces
These games might not have "body counts" or laser guns like some of the other Pocket PC games, but they are still classics and offer great challenges to your strategic abilities. There is a free demo available and a full version for $9.99 via Handango.