Friday, June 11, 2004
ScaryBear Quick Agenda 2.9 Released - Pandemonium Ensues!
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "SOFTWARE" @ 04:00 PM

"QuickAgenda is a Today Screen plugin which displays your list of appointments on your main Today Screen. You can easily specify to show appointments one to seven days into the future. Notes entered with your appointments can also be displayed by tap-n-holding the stylus on a specific displayed appointment. Also, to save screen space you can "hide" the appointment display and just show the top QuickAgenda bar.
Version 2.9 busts onto the scene with the following improvements:
"Modernization" of the popup message dialog box to have rounded corners, adjustable window size, etc.
Added the category filter option and adjusted some of the drawing locations on the screen to accommodate the category filter label.
Adjustments were made to the display position of the time text to maximize the amount of space available for the subject text.
Other changes were made to the position of the displayed items to minimize the amount of vertical space on the screen.
For time display, using "a" and "p" instead of "am" and "pm" (to save screen space).
Corrected an issue with the notes icon not being drawn in the correct location for multi-line subject text.
Modified vertical scroll bar to have small up/down arrow controls for single-line scrolling.
Made some significant changes to include user-defined colors for text, controls, etc.
Option to only show start time.
Added new color picker control.
Current owners of QuickAgenda can download this update (free) from the Scarybear site. You can also purchase it at Handango for the ridiculously low price of just $9.95. [Affiliate] Ok, so who uses this? Thoughts, please! :mrgreen: