Thursday, May 27, 2004
Stowaway Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard FINALLY Here!
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "HARDWARE" @ 01:00 PM

"The Stowaway Bluetooth Keyboard is the perfect productivity companion to your smart phone, PDA, Tablet, Media Center PC or notebook – almost any device that has Bluetooth supports this hot new product! With its genuine full-size keyboard with 18 mm spacing, the Stowaway Bluetooth Keyboard allows you to quickly type email, memos, or surf the web in optimum comfort." The keyboard is compatible with most Bluetooth PDAs and Smart Phones, including the following Pocket PCs:
• iPAQ 194x, 221x, 415x, 435x (Series 5000 is being tested)
• Dell Axim x3
• ASUS MyPal A620
• Motorola MPx (8) )
• XDA, XDA II (MDA, MDA II, iMate, SX56, Qtek 1010 & 2020, etc.)
• ANY PPC 2002 or WM2003 device with a Socket Bluetooth SD or CF card
The compatible Smart Phones include many from Nokia, the Sony Ericsson P800 & P900, and the Sendo X when it finally comes out. In addition to PPCs and phones, the keyboard is also compatible with most desktop, notebook and tablet computers running XP SP1 or Mac OS X. Both Microsoft and Logitech Bluetooth keyboard systems are supported, as are the Widcomm for Windows stack (version 1.4 or above), and the Drakar (Socket) Bluetooth stack (version 1.4.3). The price is $149 direct from Think Outside, and if you order before July 4th, you'll get free shipping.
The lucky Gary Garland managed to get his hands on a review copy, and he just happened to write a few words about it on his site. A choice excerpt: "...a bit heavier than the XT...It weighs 6.7 ounces, and that includes two AAA batteries. It has a lip on the top, made out of cheesiesh feeling plastic, probably a composite, that clicks into place, but isn't necessary to keep the unit closed, like with the IR version. When you unfold that "clamp" you pull the inside up until you have your UNIVERSAL POCKET PC stand. You then open the device in classic XT style, by pressing the subtle button on the left, and continue to unfold in classic style."
Pretty cool, but I'm a bit disappointed that the number row is missing. Hopefully Darfon (the maker of the HP/Dell folding keyboard) will feel compelled to release a similar unit that leaves the number row intact. What do you think? Are you going to be first in line, or will you wait to see if something better comes along?