Wednesday, May 19, 2004
iPAQ Hx4700 Now Available for Pre-Order at Tek 'n Toys
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "HARDWARE" @ 02:00 AM

Were you always the last one picked for teams at school? Did you only start liking David Hasselhoff AFTER the 2.4 seconds he was cool? Do you just like neat stuff? If you answered YES to any of those questions, you just might be able to redeem yourself and show everyone who the boss REALLY is. How, you say? Our friends at Tek 'n Toys are now accepting pre-orders for the (allegedly) amazingly cool iPAQ Hx4700. For the stupendous price of zero dollars and zero cents, you can put your name on the list and be assured that you'll be one of the first people on your block (or possibly your country) to have one of these devices. As far as I can tell, you've got nothing to lose and something pretty cool to gain. 8) See how easy that is? Now all you need to do is stop watching those Baywatch re-runs (Knight Rider is OK.) :mrgreen: