Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Dell Axim X30 Reviews Popping Up Everywhere
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "ARTICLE" @ 11:00 AM

BargainPDA: "As if the price point of the 312 combo weren't enough to get the blood pumping, the 624 combo gets things really interesting. It has the memory and dual wireless of the 312 combo, plus a cradle with a charging slot for a second battery, and Intel's newest and fastest processor available: the 624 MHz XScale PXA270. The 624 combo unit is priced at $349, a unbeliveable price point for such a loaded unit."

PDA Buyer's Guide: "All models support SDIO, have Intel XScale PXA270 (Bulverde) processors and Intel StrataFlash ROM (both faster and more expensive than the NAND Flash ROM found in recent low priced Pocket PCs). The basic model lists for a modest $199, while the middle model sells for $249 and the top of the line model costs $349. Amazingly low prices for all models! The basic model and middle models come with a USB sync cable (you can purchase a cradle separately for $20). The 624 MHz model comes with a chrome finish weighted USB sync cradle that can also charge a spare battery (the same cradle used for the Axim X3). Please note that these prices may change."
So...who's placed their order? :mrgreen: