Friday, April 23, 2004
Museums With Pocket PCs? Field Trip!
Posted by Jason Dunn in "NEWS" @ 09:00 PM
"Why not “loan” a PDA to your museum visitors as a way to attract new revenues and appeal to new and existing museum-goers alike! Let a handheld device enhance the museum experience by guiding, informing, educating and entertaining the whole time through. The MIG (Mobile Interactive Guide), developed by Flick Software and its partners, embodies a rugged hardware device coupled with the software required to make this a powerful new force in the museum vertical.

Imagine the MIG leading folks to items of interest; expanding on various exhibits by running related multi-media audio and video clips; having pop-ups at appropriate times indicating show start-times or even cafeteria specials; absorbing people of all ages in entertaining contests and games. Let Flick Software pull together the necessary resources to add an exciting new dimension to the museum experience."

Imagine the MIG leading folks to items of interest; expanding on various exhibits by running related multi-media audio and video clips; having pop-ups at appropriate times indicating show start-times or even cafeteria specials; absorbing people of all ages in entertaining contests and games. Let Flick Software pull together the necessary resources to add an exciting new dimension to the museum experience."