Thursday, April 15, 2004
Calendar Plus Professional 3.0 Released
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:00 AM

Is a SuperPIM like Pocket Informant or Agenda Fusion overkill for your needs? Do the default Pocket Outlook PIM functions leave you wanting more? Calendar Plus 3.0 Professional may be just what you’re looking for!
SBSH Software has announced an “upgrade release of Calendar Plus Professional version 3.0, a Today screen plug-in that displays your upcoming agenda (appointments, tasks and contacts' birthday/anniversaries) for the Pocket PC platform, featuring up to 30 days agenda display, special 24 hour time-lines, powerful Categories Manager tool to "attach" icons and colors to Pocket Outlook categories, a powerful search tool to search Pocket Outlook databases and many other robust features.”
Calendar Plus Professional is $10.99 at Handango. [Affiliate]