Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Trade in Your Old PDA For a Shiny New iPAQ
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "NEWS" @ 08:00 AM

I have a Casio E-10, a Casio E-125, and a slightly used 1945. HP offered me $50 for each of them. Playing with the custom quote tool revealed that HP is willing to pay $50 for a Palm IIIc, $50 for most Clie models, and $100 for an Axim X5 Advanced. Pretty much any PDA you can think of is listed in their system, so chances are good that you'll be able to sell them what you've got.
Assuming you've filled out the paperwork correctly, a check will be mailed to you within 4 to 6 weeks. They'll even pay for shipping, but alas, you'll have to pay for the box. :cry: If you're thinking about getting a new 194x or 221x, this is a great way to defray the cost. So how about it - do you have an old PDA lying around that you'd be willing to part with?