Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Baked Beans, Pork Pie and a Pocket PC Please?
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "HARDWARE" @ 12:00 AM
If you want a Pocket PC bundled with GPS, where do you go? If you're in the UK, then the answer may be your local supermarket. report: "If you fancy a Pocket PC with GPS then the place to go to is LIDL. The cheap German supermarket chain is offering a 400MHz Typhoon PPC with Windows Mobile 2003, 64Mb RAM, 32 ROM and Maps for the whole of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on 256MB Compact-Flash-Card! Only £349 from 8th April 2003. Get it before it goes!" So there!

Exit Stage Left at Lidl
You can see the full specs at Lidl's website. This thing includes maps for the whole of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on 256MB Compact-Flash-Card. Pretty good going really! Bear in mind that this is only available from stores in London, the South East and the South West of England and South Wales. I wonder if Lidl will ever get round to helping technically lacking & lost Scottish, Welsh speakers, Northern Irish and Northerners. :wink:
We previously posted that Evesham and Halfords are also selling similar units, but with integrated GPS across the UK – for slightly more mulla, naturally. Who would have thought it?

Exit Stage Left at Lidl
You can see the full specs at Lidl's website. This thing includes maps for the whole of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on 256MB Compact-Flash-Card. Pretty good going really! Bear in mind that this is only available from stores in London, the South East and the South West of England and South Wales. I wonder if Lidl will ever get round to helping technically lacking & lost Scottish, Welsh speakers, Northern Irish and Northerners. :wink:
We previously posted that Evesham and Halfords are also selling similar units, but with integrated GPS across the UK – for slightly more mulla, naturally. Who would have thought it?