Monday, April 19, 2004
Movie Mastery On The Go: MoviesCE v2.1 Review
Posted by Tim Allen in "SOFTWARE" @ 10:00 AM

Product Category: DVD/video collection manager
Manufacturer: Patrice Pennetier
Where to Buy: Download from Handango (affiliate link)
Price: $24.95 USD
System Requirements: Pocket PC 2002 or Windows Mobile 2003; 1Mb storage space for the application plus extra for the database depending on number of movies stored.
- Movie details, cover images and quotes can be downloaded from the Internet;
- Innovative message update feature.
- Some user interface issues;
- Of limited use without a connected Pocket PC;
- Internet search supports US movie titles only;
- Limited querying capabilities.
MoviesCE has been around a while, but the recently released version 2 effectively transforms it into a new product through the ability to download movie data from the Web. If you're looking to take the next step with your movie obsession and start cataloguing your DVD or video collection, then MoviesCE does the job, albeit with some limitations.
Read on for the full review!