Thursday, April 1, 2004
APRIL FOOLS: New iPAQ Spotted: The XM9000
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "HARDWARE" @ 11:30 AM

It seems as though Delphi has really decided to make a push for the mobile market! SPT just reported that Delphi & Orange have partnered to create an SD XM Radio card, and now we've received a press release that shows the new XM9000. The XM radio is integrated into the upcoming 6300! 8O
Don't start frolicking yet, though! Anonymous sources report that there are a few bugs in the demo units that HP has been sending out. For example, while HP has managed to keep the phone functionality largely intact, testers have reported hearing hideous screeching sounds when the phone and radio are on at the same time. Strangely enough, these problems seem to crop up only when a Celine Dion song is playing...