Thursday, April 1, 2004
APRIL FOOLS: SquirrelFinder - When You're Nuts for Squirrels
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:00 AM

A few weeks ago, I received a very strange email in my PPCT mailbox. It was from a developer in the UK, and he wanted me to take a look at the software he was working on. He works for a company called Desipientia, and the product is called "SquirrelFinder". This has got to be the weirdest piece of software I've ever seen. 8O
While I don't have a copy of the software to review, he did send me a screenshot. Apparently, they've developed some kind of CF unit that can detect a squirrel, track its distance, relative speed, the ambient temperature, and whether it has nuts in its pouch. I'm not entirely sure why I would want to know if the squirrel is carrying nuts. :?: There's also a gallery of squirrel photos that users can scroll through, and a logging function that will dump the data collected by the CF card into an Access-ready comma delimited file.
Judging from the screenshot, the CF card must have an infrared sensor and a range finder. I'm guessing that the lumps are rocks, while the large mass at the bottom is the ground. As you can see, the distance to the squirrel, the outside temperature, and the speed of the squirrel are notated in the upper left corner of the "window". Sadly, the "Nuts" box is unchecked, so we have no way of knowing if the squirrel is packing. :mrgreen:
Does anyone (besides Steve) think this might be useful, or are the developers chock full of nuts?