Saturday, March 27, 2004
Dell, Customer Oriented Company, or Cancelling Old Commitments?
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "THOUGHT" @ 03:00 PM
Two days ago we reported that Dell was not planning on offering Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition updates to existing Axim X3 or X5 users. :( I wonder if they could have predicted what the reaction would be?
As an existing Axim X5 user myself I am not at all happy with Dell about this. I know a lot of you feel the same way and I would like to encourage you to contact Dell directly and tell them so, as well as signing this Aximsite petition on the Dell Forums. (Just say you want the upgrade and put your service tag in your profile. Only Dell can see it). There are signs that Dell may be reconsidering their initial unwise decision, especially in the light of HP and Toshiba not only offering the Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition updates to existing users, but offering them for free as well! :| Dell have been apparently been upgrading X3is at MDC after users signed a waver and NDA, so the upgrade capability clearly is there. :?
Now I feel that it would be reasonable for Dell to charge a nominal fee for the update, but not even offering one is a slap in the face of loyal customers. Perhaps they are worried about another upgrade fiasco like the last one – multiple rapidly pulled ROMs, late delivery etc. If they offer a downloadable update then they could quickly get the support of their users back again. It's not an unreasonable request.
Toshiba clearly learned the lesson the last time they tried to pull something like this and are supporting their current users this time round. Up to this point I have been unreservedly recommending Dells to folks wanting PPCs, but if this is the level of customer support they are prepared to offer, then I will be suggesting that people look elsewhere in future. I was looking forward to the X7, but this may well be my first and last Dell if the situation does not change. :evil:
Dell claims to be a customer oriented company. Well – the customers are speaking – are you listening Dell? :?:

As an existing Axim X5 user myself I am not at all happy with Dell about this. I know a lot of you feel the same way and I would like to encourage you to contact Dell directly and tell them so, as well as signing this Aximsite petition on the Dell Forums. (Just say you want the upgrade and put your service tag in your profile. Only Dell can see it). There are signs that Dell may be reconsidering their initial unwise decision, especially in the light of HP and Toshiba not only offering the Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition updates to existing users, but offering them for free as well! :| Dell have been apparently been upgrading X3is at MDC after users signed a waver and NDA, so the upgrade capability clearly is there. :?
Now I feel that it would be reasonable for Dell to charge a nominal fee for the update, but not even offering one is a slap in the face of loyal customers. Perhaps they are worried about another upgrade fiasco like the last one – multiple rapidly pulled ROMs, late delivery etc. If they offer a downloadable update then they could quickly get the support of their users back again. It's not an unreasonable request.
Toshiba clearly learned the lesson the last time they tried to pull something like this and are supporting their current users this time round. Up to this point I have been unreservedly recommending Dells to folks wanting PPCs, but if this is the level of customer support they are prepared to offer, then I will be suggesting that people look elsewhere in future. I was looking forward to the X7, but this may well be my first and last Dell if the situation does not change. :evil:
Dell claims to be a customer oriented company. Well – the customers are speaking – are you listening Dell? :?: