Monday, March 1, 2004
Using a Pocket PC for Keeping Track of the Family Tree (Genealogy)
Posted by Jason Dunn in "ARTICLE" @ 02:00 PM
"I recently spent a week in Kansas researching at the Kansas State Historical Society. Like many institutions, KSHS limits what can be brought into the research room to a few papers, pencil and a computer. A pocket PC or any handheld computer devise has many advantages over a laptop computer when researching away from home. A pocket PC is small and light, most fit in a pocket; fast, instantly on and off, there is no need to keep it on constantly so the battery lasts all day; and they are relatively inexpensive with programs that are reasonably priced. There are different types of pocket PC programs that can be used for genealogy. Below are examples of programs that I have found useful. These examples are not the only or necessarily the best programs, they are simply the ones that I prefer."
Do use your Pocket PC for keeping track of your family tree? Genealogy is something that holds a great deal of interest to me, but I have yet to make time in my life for it. If this is something that you're into, what sorts of programs and strategies would you recommend to a beginner like myself?
Do use your Pocket PC for keeping track of your family tree? Genealogy is something that holds a great deal of interest to me, but I have yet to make time in my life for it. If this is something that you're into, what sorts of programs and strategies would you recommend to a beginner like myself?