Saturday, February 14, 2004
Geekzone's Big One Year Anniversary Competition
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "EVENT" @ 12:00 PM
Our friends at Geekzone's are having the first anniversary of their site :new-bday:
They have got together with a few of the companies who have supported them uring their first year to bring to their users a big giveaway competition. :way to go:

They have got some serious goodies going, including a first prize of this little lot: HP iPAQ h4350 Pocket PC, Bluetooth SIG backpack, Handango t-shirt, Ilium Software Essentials package including eWallet Professional Edition, ListPro Professional Edition and Dockware Pro, BonTime, Pocket Informant and one year subscription of Skweezer. Not bad eh! 8)
The promotion will run for three weeks, ending 5 March 2004, when they'll announce seven winners (note the New Zealand timezone though). To participate, you have to be a registered user on their site and answer a few questions in their entry form. Go and have a look around!
They have got together with a few of the companies who have supported them uring their first year to bring to their users a big giveaway competition. :way to go:

They have got some serious goodies going, including a first prize of this little lot: HP iPAQ h4350 Pocket PC, Bluetooth SIG backpack, Handango t-shirt, Ilium Software Essentials package including eWallet Professional Edition, ListPro Professional Edition and Dockware Pro, BonTime, Pocket Informant and one year subscription of Skweezer. Not bad eh! 8)
The promotion will run for three weeks, ending 5 March 2004, when they'll announce seven winners (note the New Zealand timezone though). To participate, you have to be a registered user on their site and answer a few questions in their entry form. Go and have a look around!