Thursday, January 22, 2004
Riddle Me This...?
Posted by Brad Adrian in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 12:00 AM
What do you think the ultimate geek car would look like? Lots of gadgets? Tons of accessories? Derek Brown, one of Microsoft's mobile devices program founders, sent us this photo of one man's version of the geekiest car around.

At first glance, it looks outrageously complex. At second glance, you realize that it begs the question...
Q: Where does the girlfriend of the driver of the world's geekiest car sit?
A: What girlfriend?
I mean, I sometimes have a hard time attracting the attention of females when I'm wearing my geeky SCOTTeVEST, but this vehicle would have to send out some kind of anti-female waves, wouldn't it?

At first glance, it looks outrageously complex. At second glance, you realize that it begs the question...
Q: Where does the girlfriend of the driver of the world's geekiest car sit?
A: What girlfriend?
I mean, I sometimes have a hard time attracting the attention of females when I'm wearing my geeky SCOTTeVEST, but this vehicle would have to send out some kind of anti-female waves, wouldn't it?