Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Euro Coins Pocket Collector 1.3
Posted by marlof in "SOFTWARE" @ 06:00 AM
Albegor, an Italian software developer, has announced a new version of their Euro Coins Pocket Collector, which includes the complete Portuguese translation and has some new features and enhancements. This version also support the odler MIPS and SH3 CPUs of Pocket PC 2000 devices using those.

To celebrate the first release of the new year Albegor is offering the chance to purchase the full version of Ecpc with a 20% discount on the regular price until the end of January, by using the promotion code CF6C33 on Handango [affiliate].

To celebrate the first release of the new year Albegor is offering the chance to purchase the full version of Ecpc with a 20% discount on the regular price until the end of January, by using the promotion code CF6C33 on Handango [affiliate].