Thursday, January 1, 2004
Happy New Year! Bring on 2004!
Posted by Jason Dunn in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 12:01 AM
I want to wish everyone a happy New Year! :) May 2004 be full of health and happiness for all, full of gladness and gadgets galore. Any special New Year's Resolutions you'd like to share with us?

And just so you don't stay up for the next 24 hours, we're not having a giant contest like we did last year. I know that will disappoint some of you, and for that I apologize, but last year it took three full weeks of mind-numbing manual work to sort out all the winners, and that's not something I wanted to put my team through again. We weren't able to get an automated contest script in place, or get vendors organized for the giveaways - hopefully we can do it next year. Most of my resources over the past month have been going towards other projects, including Digital Media Thoughts. I do have a few giveaways I'll kick off early next week, including a few books and pieces of software, so fear not - free stuff will be given away. :D

And just so you don't stay up for the next 24 hours, we're not having a giant contest like we did last year. I know that will disappoint some of you, and for that I apologize, but last year it took three full weeks of mind-numbing manual work to sort out all the winners, and that's not something I wanted to put my team through again. We weren't able to get an automated contest script in place, or get vendors organized for the giveaways - hopefully we can do it next year. Most of my resources over the past month have been going towards other projects, including Digital Media Thoughts. I do have a few giveaways I'll kick off early next week, including a few books and pieces of software, so fear not - free stuff will be given away. :D