Monday, December 29, 2003
I'm Back from Mexico...brrr it's Cold Here!
Posted by Jason Dunn in "UPDATE" @ 09:00 PM
Hola Pocket PC Thoughts readers! I'm back from Mexico, and I have almost five hundred email messages staring me in the face. 8O But fear not, I'm feeling very recharged and ready to take on the world again. :way to go: My vacation was wonderful, and I made great use of both my Canon Digital Rebel and my Canon S400 (sometimes it made more sense to carry the "little guy"). I've created a short Pocket PC-formatted video for you to look at either streamed or on your Pocket PC - or streaming onto your Pocket PC if you're REALLY cool.
I carried my Pocket PC with me, mostly for using MobiMate's Worldmate Pro 2004. Because I was in a disconnected state (Fido has no GPRS roaming in Mexico it seems :-() UPDATE: Fido DOES have GPRS roaming in Mexico, it's just that my account didn't have it turned on. Whoops.
I used it as a currency converter, and weather updates for three days, but beyond that I didn't use my Pocket PC for much. It was basically a glorified calculator. ;-) My Smartphone was used for a few phone calls, but without GPRS it's a pretty "dumb" phone (I switched to a Tanager model Smartphone the day before I left, so not much was loaded). My laptop received the most use, both as a mobile gaming platform (I finally had time to play Warcraft III!), and as a photo storage unit and editor (I sure do love Picasa!) I also spent quite a bit of time reading an amazing book: Shogun. Considering my obsession with Japanese culture and design, it's a bit odd that I haven't already read it, but what a book! If you haven't read it, I highly reccomend it - it's not a "fast" read, but it's a good one. The book has also re-kindled my desire to learn to speak Japanese. In a few months I might be asking for volunteers to help me using Skype. :mrgreen:
I'm glad to be back, but boy it's cold here - I went from 27 Celsius to -10 Celsius. Brr! Here are a few pictures of some of the interesting things I saw while I was there:

All told, I took over 600 pictures, but I of course didn't keep that many. Let's just say that I was glad I had my 2.25 GB worth of CF cards. :-D
It's good to be back - now I have a lot of catching up to do...did anyone else go away on a Christmas vacation? Post some pics and tell some stories!

I carried my Pocket PC with me, mostly for using MobiMate's Worldmate Pro 2004. Because I was in a disconnected state (Fido has no GPRS roaming in Mexico it seems :-() UPDATE: Fido DOES have GPRS roaming in Mexico, it's just that my account didn't have it turned on. Whoops.
I used it as a currency converter, and weather updates for three days, but beyond that I didn't use my Pocket PC for much. It was basically a glorified calculator. ;-) My Smartphone was used for a few phone calls, but without GPRS it's a pretty "dumb" phone (I switched to a Tanager model Smartphone the day before I left, so not much was loaded). My laptop received the most use, both as a mobile gaming platform (I finally had time to play Warcraft III!), and as a photo storage unit and editor (I sure do love Picasa!) I also spent quite a bit of time reading an amazing book: Shogun. Considering my obsession with Japanese culture and design, it's a bit odd that I haven't already read it, but what a book! If you haven't read it, I highly reccomend it - it's not a "fast" read, but it's a good one. The book has also re-kindled my desire to learn to speak Japanese. In a few months I might be asking for volunteers to help me using Skype. :mrgreen:
I'm glad to be back, but boy it's cold here - I went from 27 Celsius to -10 Celsius. Brr! Here are a few pictures of some of the interesting things I saw while I was there:

All told, I took over 600 pictures, but I of course didn't keep that many. Let's just say that I was glad I had my 2.25 GB worth of CF cards. :-D
It's good to be back - now I have a lot of catching up to do...did anyone else go away on a Christmas vacation? Post some pics and tell some stories!