Wednesday, December 24, 2003
A Turbulent Christmas Game
Posted by Janak Parekh in "SOFTWARE" @ 05:00 PM
For those of you who've set up your tree (or if you don't have to set one up), done your shopping, finished the cooking... maybe it's time for a free game? ;)

"It is the night of Christmas Eve, and Santa is bringing toys to all the good little girls and boys. But Santa ran into trouble along the way, with some turbulence hitting his sleigh. It spilled Santa and his gifts, and with a great fall, he lands in a drift. Help Santa collect all the presents and return to his sleigh, so he can save Christmas day."

"It is the night of Christmas Eve, and Santa is bringing toys to all the good little girls and boys. But Santa ran into trouble along the way, with some turbulence hitting his sleigh. It spilled Santa and his gifts, and with a great fall, he lands in a drift. Help Santa collect all the presents and return to his sleigh, so he can save Christmas day."