Monday, December 8, 2003
Colorgraphic VGA CF Card Winners...
Posted by Jason Dunn in "EVENT" @ 05:09 PM
If you've ever been in a scenario where you've used a laptop to present, but wished you could travel lighter, you haven't have the pleasure of using a Pocket PC to do the same thing. It's truly an delightful experience to walk into a room carrying a few small items in your pocket, and have everything you need to give a PowerPoint presentation. Ah, mobile bliss. :-)

The fine people at Colographic have generously donated two of their Voyager VGA CF products to two lucky Pocket PC Thoughts readers who entered our contest. And the two winners are... mrickert and sjmcloughlin. Congratulations to both of them! If you were hoping to win but didn't, you can always pick one up for $149.95 from our affiliate partner Mobile Planet.
We've still got two great prizes left to give away: a 1 GB CF card, and a 256 MB CF card. Become a subscriber today to get in on the prizes, or send in those post cards. Full details can be found here.

The fine people at Colographic have generously donated two of their Voyager VGA CF products to two lucky Pocket PC Thoughts readers who entered our contest. And the two winners are... mrickert and sjmcloughlin. Congratulations to both of them! If you were hoping to win but didn't, you can always pick one up for $149.95 from our affiliate partner Mobile Planet.
We've still got two great prizes left to give away: a 1 GB CF card, and a 256 MB CF card. Become a subscriber today to get in on the prizes, or send in those post cards. Full details can be found here.