Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Aximsite.com Dell Axim X3 Advanced with Integrated Wifi Review
Posted by Jason Dunn in "ARTICLE" @ 09:57 PM
The first reviews of the X3 are starting to pop up...meanwhile, I'm still sitting here waiting for mine to show up. :roll:
"With the Axim X5, Dell vaulted into the Pocket PC world, capturing 37% of the market in less than one year. One of the most apparent reasons for this instant user base has to be the price. At 5 ounces, the Axim X3 is 28 percent lighter than its predecessor, and at .55 inches, 17 percent thinner. The Dell Axim X5’s price was a refreshing change to the $400.00 plus Pocket PCs. Those that did not like the X5 complained about the lack of SDIO availability and called the X5 names like “a brick”. I personally love the looks of the X5 and you can not complain about the price at all, but I too desire a smaller PPC.
Enter the Dell Axim X3, smaller, thinner, lighter, SDIO availability and even built in wireless. This addresses all the major complaints of non-Axim supporters. Knowing the Pocket PC community and its loyalty to certain companies, many will find a new list of complaints with the X3 also. Even Dell Axim X5 owners are already complaining about the lack of the CF slot. This does not bother me at all considering I rarely use my CF slot anyway and when I do it is for WiFi, which comes built in on the higher end model. The X3 comes in 3 flavors, Basic (300mhz w/ 32mb RAM and 32mb ROM), Advanced (400mhz w/ 64mb RAM and 64mb ROM), and Advanced w/ WiFi (400mhz w/ 64mb RAM and 64mb ROM)..."

"With the Axim X5, Dell vaulted into the Pocket PC world, capturing 37% of the market in less than one year. One of the most apparent reasons for this instant user base has to be the price. At 5 ounces, the Axim X3 is 28 percent lighter than its predecessor, and at .55 inches, 17 percent thinner. The Dell Axim X5’s price was a refreshing change to the $400.00 plus Pocket PCs. Those that did not like the X5 complained about the lack of SDIO availability and called the X5 names like “a brick”. I personally love the looks of the X5 and you can not complain about the price at all, but I too desire a smaller PPC.
Enter the Dell Axim X3, smaller, thinner, lighter, SDIO availability and even built in wireless. This addresses all the major complaints of non-Axim supporters. Knowing the Pocket PC community and its loyalty to certain companies, many will find a new list of complaints with the X3 also. Even Dell Axim X5 owners are already complaining about the lack of the CF slot. This does not bother me at all considering I rarely use my CF slot anyway and when I do it is for WiFi, which comes built in on the higher end model. The X3 comes in 3 flavors, Basic (300mhz w/ 32mb RAM and 32mb ROM), Advanced (400mhz w/ 64mb RAM and 64mb ROM), and Advanced w/ WiFi (400mhz w/ 64mb RAM and 64mb ROM)..."