Friday, September 26, 2003
Get A Degree In Spamming At "Spam University"
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 02:00 PM
"Welcome to Spam University, the world's top-rated educational institution for the growing spam industry. Are you tired of your dead-end job? Want to make some big-time cash without actually working? Earn the money you deserve in the exciting and fast-growing spam industry. At Spam University, you'll earn while you learn. Our hands-on curriculum will teach you time-proven spamming techniques: Everything you need to make a name for yourself in the fast-paced spam industry.

Unfortunately, the admissions requirements are quite stringent.
• Attended at least four years of elementary school.
• No more than three felony convictions
• The ability to count to 20 without removing your socks
• Toilet-trained
• No more than 36 tattoos
• Familiarity with computers (i.e., you've seen one in a store or on TV)
Apply early, and apply often. We here at Pocket PC Thoughts have worked out a deal to get you up to 20% off of your admission price at Spam University. Just reply to this thread with your Name, Credit Card Number and Expiration Date, your email address and the email addresses of your 25 closest relatives and friends so we can contact them in case of an emergency.
"Welcome to Spam University, the world's top-rated educational institution for the growing spam industry. Are you tired of your dead-end job? Want to make some big-time cash without actually working? Earn the money you deserve in the exciting and fast-growing spam industry. At Spam University, you'll earn while you learn. Our hands-on curriculum will teach you time-proven spamming techniques: Everything you need to make a name for yourself in the fast-paced spam industry.

Unfortunately, the admissions requirements are quite stringent.
• Attended at least four years of elementary school.
• No more than three felony convictions
• The ability to count to 20 without removing your socks
• Toilet-trained
• No more than 36 tattoos
• Familiarity with computers (i.e., you've seen one in a store or on TV)
Apply early, and apply often. We here at Pocket PC Thoughts have worked out a deal to get you up to 20% off of your admission price at Spam University. Just reply to this thread with your Name, Credit Card Number and Expiration Date, your email address and the email addresses of your 25 closest relatives and friends so we can contact them in case of an emergency.