Tuesday, September 9, 2003
Pricing Role Reversal
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THE COMPETITION" @ 12:00 PM
Last night I was flipping through a flyer from Staples, and I saw this ad:

Now consider what you're seeing for a second, and compare that with that you'd see in a flyer a year ago. How things have changed! If you were a consumer looking for your first PDA, which one would you chose? 64 MB vs. 16 MB, $299 CND vs. $449 CND, no camera vs. camera, Viewsonic brand name vs. Palm brand name. All of those factor into the purchasing decision, but the price is the foremost among them all for most consumers. Does anyone else remember when, not even a full year ago, the primary complaint against Pocket PCs was the price?
It's great to see that entry level Pocket PCs are so competative with offerings from the Palm camp. Way to go Pocket PC OEMs! :way to go:

Now consider what you're seeing for a second, and compare that with that you'd see in a flyer a year ago. How things have changed! If you were a consumer looking for your first PDA, which one would you chose? 64 MB vs. 16 MB, $299 CND vs. $449 CND, no camera vs. camera, Viewsonic brand name vs. Palm brand name. All of those factor into the purchasing decision, but the price is the foremost among them all for most consumers. Does anyone else remember when, not even a full year ago, the primary complaint against Pocket PCs was the price?
It's great to see that entry level Pocket PCs are so competative with offerings from the Palm camp. Way to go Pocket PC OEMs! :way to go: