Thursday, August 14, 2003
PocketFeed 0.6.0 Released
Posted by marlof in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:08 PM
One of my favorite things to do on my Pocket PC when it is connected to my WiFi network at home, is using the news aggregator PocketFeed. It allows me to check if my favorite sites have new entries, and read -depending on the XML feed settings- those entries, or the first couple of lines. The version I have used over the past months was the initially released 0.5 Alpha, and it was pretty stable. But now, they have released version 0.6.0, adding some features to the mix:
ETag and If-None-Match support added for faster downloads
More Pocket-PC 2002 like visuals in options dialog
Download date now saved in OPML
Enabled Clear Type/Fit to screen/Font Sizing Menu Options
Cache size shown in options window, wipe the cache, and view it's location
Splitter Bar can be snapped up
HTTP Referer can be set (stored in registry, options panel)
Clean cache contents (options panel)
Last imported blog list address is persisted to registry.
ETag and If-None-Match support added for faster downloads
More Pocket-PC 2002 like visuals in options dialog
Download date now saved in OPML
Enabled Clear Type/Fit to screen/Font Sizing Menu Options
Cache size shown in options window, wipe the cache, and view it's location
Splitter Bar can be snapped up
HTTP Referer can be set (stored in registry, options panel)
Clean cache contents (options panel)
Last imported blog list address is persisted to registry.