Friday, July 25, 2003
Hockey and Pong United At Last
Posted by Brad Adrian in "SOFTWARE" @ 01:00 AM
If you're old enough to remember the old Atari game Pong (and even if you're not), you might get a kick out of this new game: Pocket Hockey Pong.

The game's premise is pretty simple, but you've still got to be pretty quick to win. Using two paddles and hockey-like rules, this single-player game pits you against the computer. There are a few other niceities built in, like difficulty level selection, independent paddle control and a "season" mode.
Maybe the best part of Pocket Hockey Pong is the price. You can go to the above Handango link and grab a free demo or buy the full version for only $4.99.

The game's premise is pretty simple, but you've still got to be pretty quick to win. Using two paddles and hockey-like rules, this single-player game pits you against the computer. There are a few other niceities built in, like difficulty level selection, independent paddle control and a "season" mode.
Maybe the best part of Pocket Hockey Pong is the price. You can go to the above Handango link and grab a free demo or buy the full version for only $4.99.