Thursday, July 17, 2003
Does Owning Two of These Make Me a Geek?
Posted by Brad Adrian in "THOUGHT" @ 01:00 AM
Question: What's better than a SCOTTeVEST™?

I just ordered and received my second SCOTTeVEST™ and am basking in them (not literally). I had a black one, which I really love; I just can’t get over how much stuff I can easily carry in one vest. However, the black one just didn't seem to go well with all of the sporty togs I usually wear, so I went ahead and got a stone-colored one.
I am in heaven! Now that I can color-coordinate my vests so much better, I have a 17+ pocket outfit for virtually every occasion (23+ pockets if I also wear my Mobile Pants)! Heck, I doubt if you’ll EVER see me without a vest on now!
A few people have hinted around that my love affair with my vests is indicative of "a problem." Scoff if you want, but while you’re loading your electronic accoutrement onto belt clips and shoulder bags, I rest assured that My Vest Is Best!

I just ordered and received my second SCOTTeVEST™ and am basking in them (not literally). I had a black one, which I really love; I just can’t get over how much stuff I can easily carry in one vest. However, the black one just didn't seem to go well with all of the sporty togs I usually wear, so I went ahead and got a stone-colored one.
I am in heaven! Now that I can color-coordinate my vests so much better, I have a 17+ pocket outfit for virtually every occasion (23+ pockets if I also wear my Mobile Pants)! Heck, I doubt if you’ll EVER see me without a vest on now!
A few people have hinted around that my love affair with my vests is indicative of "a problem." Scoff if you want, but while you’re loading your electronic accoutrement onto belt clips and shoulder bags, I rest assured that My Vest Is Best!