Monday, June 30, 2003
AirMate 32MB Bluetooth USB Dongle with 32MB Flash Memory
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 02:00 PM
I saw this product appear in a Google AdWords advertisment, and thought it looked pretty cool (See? Ads aren't all bad!). What would make this even more useful would be if Windows XP included native Bluetooth drives, and an easy auto-setup routine so you could walk up to any PC, plug in the Bluetooth adaptor, and within a few seconds be able to connect to it from another device. Bluetooth could be so powerful if it was only done right (think WiFi zero-config).

"Airmate™ is Bluetooth-based wireless communication solution. It is a tiny dongle you can easily carry with you and plug in to the USB port of any Laptop or PC to instantly upgrade to Bluetooth functionality. If you have a mobile phone, PDA, Headset, keyboard, mouse, printer or any other Bluetooth enabled device, they will instantly recognise each other as you enter the room and will be ready to communicate and share files and applications wirelessly when you start your laptop or PC."

"Airmate™ is Bluetooth-based wireless communication solution. It is a tiny dongle you can easily carry with you and plug in to the USB port of any Laptop or PC to instantly upgrade to Bluetooth functionality. If you have a mobile phone, PDA, Headset, keyboard, mouse, printer or any other Bluetooth enabled device, they will instantly recognise each other as you enter the room and will be ready to communicate and share files and applications wirelessly when you start your laptop or PC."