Monday, June 23, 2003
It's Time To Take A Break!
Posted by Janak Parekh in "THOUGHT" @ 09:12 PM
OK, so Jason wasn't completely accurate in his kickoff post -- he thought we wouldn't have 8 hours of news if we posted it every 33 minutes. He was wrong -- we have had 24 freakin' hours of news. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted, and so is Jason as well as the rest of the team. We're going to return to a slightly slower schedule, so that neither you, our dear readers, nor us, the editors, go insane. :)
There is one hanging matter... and that's Jason's iPAQ 2215 review. He promises it's going to be the greatest review ever (apparently, it's already about 300K of HTML), and he promises not to sleep until it's done. Anyone want to place bets on when it'll be up? :zzz: I can just picture it now... Jason working through the night:

In the meantime, we hope you enjoyed the wild ride, and hopefully, we'll be able to ride the Pocket PC 2003 wave to better handheld computing! Rumors are already starting to surface about the next OS... but we'll leave that for another time. :lol:
There is one hanging matter... and that's Jason's iPAQ 2215 review. He promises it's going to be the greatest review ever (apparently, it's already about 300K of HTML), and he promises not to sleep until it's done. Anyone want to place bets on when it'll be up? :zzz: I can just picture it now... Jason working through the night:

In the meantime, we hope you enjoyed the wild ride, and hopefully, we'll be able to ride the Pocket PC 2003 wave to better handheld computing! Rumors are already starting to surface about the next OS... but we'll leave that for another time. :lol: