Monday, June 23, 2003
iPAQ 2215 Storage Card Benchmarks
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THOUGHT" @ 01:57 AM
I don't know about you, but I'm a benchmarking nut - I'm always trying to test how fast things go, how long they last, and whether or not they measure up to the promises made by the people who sell the products. I've started a comprehensive test of every memory card I can get my hands on, using the iPAQ 2215 as a baseline because it's such a screamer. I'll follow up with more tests later, along with some analysis, but in the meantime here's a huge graphic for you to absorb!

I don't know what sort of hyper-Flash-ROM they put into the little Rover Pocket PC, but it's somehow able to benchmark even faster than the fastest CF card I have on hand (the Crucial). On the surface that makes absolutely no sense that Flash ROM could be so fast, but that's what the numbers are telling us. If you've ever wondered why applications load slowly from your iPAQ/Dell Flash ROM, the above numbers show the reason why - Flash ROM is, with the exception of the speedy Rover unit, vastly slower than SD or CF-based storage.

I don't know what sort of hyper-Flash-ROM they put into the little Rover Pocket PC, but it's somehow able to benchmark even faster than the fastest CF card I have on hand (the Crucial). On the surface that makes absolutely no sense that Flash ROM could be so fast, but that's what the numbers are telling us. If you've ever wondered why applications load slowly from your iPAQ/Dell Flash ROM, the above numbers show the reason why - Flash ROM is, with the exception of the speedy Rover unit, vastly slower than SD or CF-based storage.