Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Pocket PCs Track Public Smoke
Posted by Brad Adrian in "NEWS" @ 01:00 AM
This BBC News story describes Dublin researchers who are developing a Pocket PC-based tool for detecting and tracking the amount of smoke in public places like pubs and restaurants.

The story and photos don't give many details, but it looks as though this module plugs into the sync port of and iPAQ. It can measure carbon monoxide and some of the other particles that are given off by cigarette smoke. It also looks as though one of the main purposes of the device will be to fuel the debate over a proposed Ireland-wide ban on smoking in public places.
I just LOVE seeing stories about new uses for Pocket PCs. Of course, I'd also like to see someone develop a few similar tools that could measure other public nuisances like:
• The amount of noise given off by that screaming kid who always sits behind me on airplanes
• The intensity of the aftershave being worn by the loud, obnoxious person dining at the next table

The story and photos don't give many details, but it looks as though this module plugs into the sync port of and iPAQ. It can measure carbon monoxide and some of the other particles that are given off by cigarette smoke. It also looks as though one of the main purposes of the device will be to fuel the debate over a proposed Ireland-wide ban on smoking in public places.
I just LOVE seeing stories about new uses for Pocket PCs. Of course, I'd also like to see someone develop a few similar tools that could measure other public nuisances like:
• The amount of noise given off by that screaming kid who always sits behind me on airplanes
• The intensity of the aftershave being worn by the loud, obnoxious person dining at the next table