Friday, May 16, 2003
3D Mini-Jetfight (Multi-Platform, Multi-Player) by OmniG Software Inc.
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 04:54 AM

"Feel the excitement of High Altitude, High Speed and Highly Maneuverable Jet Fighters! There are 7 most famous supersonic jet fighters from F-15 Eagle, F-16 Falcon to Su-27 Flanker. Each jet fighter is armed with 4 Medium-Range A/A Missiles (MRAM) and 4 Short-Range A/A Missiles (SRAM), as well as a cannon for close-in combat. Experience the Breathtaking Air Combat with Air-to-Air Missiles: attack the enemies in a beyond-visual range combat by locking targets and launching A/A Missiles. Fire your cannon and shoot enemies down in a close-in dogfighting. Protect Yourself by Abrupt Maneuvers and Launching Missile Lures: attacking the enemy is only half the job - surviving the mission is the other half. Launching the A/A missile lures (flare for IR-homing missile, chaff for radar-homing missile) can attract approaching missile away from your aircraft. Executing abrupt maneuvers will also help to get rid of missile's track."
In addition to being a great-looking game, it's available on the Pocket PC, Smartphone, and desktop PC - with multiplayer options for wired LAN, wireless LAN, Internet, and cradled Pocket PC vs. computer play. Talk about ambitious!

You can download a free trial or purchase the game for $19.95.
And, yes, I really am up at 5:30 AM writing this. :|