Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Please Do Not Cross-Post
Posted by Jason Dunn in "UPDATE" @ 07:25 AM
I can't believe I have to say this on the front page, but in the past two days we've had several people cross-post to multiple forums. So, for the record, cross-posting to multiple forums is not allowed here. Forum software does not work like UseNet (NNTP): every message in our forums has its own ID. So when you post to three forums, not only do you force everyone to read your message three times, our "Last Ten Posts" starts to look a little silly:

Please resist the urge to cross-post. Trust that your one and only post will be seen and responded to. :wink:

Please resist the urge to cross-post. Trust that your one and only post will be seen and responded to. :wink: