Friday, May 9, 2003
The Sexiest PC I've Ever Seen
Posted by Jason Dunn in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 05:00 PM
Ok, it's time for our Friday off-topic post. But rather than post something funny, I wanted to post something that got me really excited. Really. Excited. :ppclove:
Would you LOOK at that? It's makin' me RANDY, baby, yeah! :pimp: Wow. Put that in your iPipe and smoke it! Alienware has always had some nice designs, but this one really takes the cake - totally unique! Be sure to take a peek at the other colours - they all look amazing!

Would you LOOK at that? It's makin' me RANDY, baby, yeah! :pimp: Wow. Put that in your iPipe and smoke it! Alienware has always had some nice designs, but this one really takes the cake - totally unique! Be sure to take a peek at the other colours - they all look amazing!