Wednesday, May 7, 2003
Electronic Paper Is "On A Roll"
Posted by Janak Parekh in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 11:00 PM
I've been reading about the promise of electronic paper for some time now, and it looks like it's inching closer and closer to market.
"In a step toward electronic newspapers and wearable computer screens, scientists have created an ultra-thin screen that can be bent, twisted and even rolled up and still display crisp text. The material, only as thick as three human hairs, displays black text on a whitish-gray background with a resolution similar to that of a typical laptop computer screen. The screen is so flexible it can be rolled into a cylinder about a half-inch (1 centimeter) wide without losing its image quality."

(image copyright MSNBC)
The only problem is, it's "inching". ;) I want it now, darn it! Tools like this could finally stop one from having to carry printouts, papers, or even magazines around. Current PDAs are a good first step (I'm a big fan of RepliGo and ebooks), but there's a long way to go.
"In a step toward electronic newspapers and wearable computer screens, scientists have created an ultra-thin screen that can be bent, twisted and even rolled up and still display crisp text. The material, only as thick as three human hairs, displays black text on a whitish-gray background with a resolution similar to that of a typical laptop computer screen. The screen is so flexible it can be rolled into a cylinder about a half-inch (1 centimeter) wide without losing its image quality."

(image copyright MSNBC)
The only problem is, it's "inching". ;) I want it now, darn it! Tools like this could finally stop one from having to carry printouts, papers, or even magazines around. Current PDAs are a good first step (I'm a big fan of RepliGo and ebooks), but there's a long way to go.