Saturday, May 3, 2003
Software That Does...What?
Posted by Brad Adrian in "SOFTWARE" @ 01:00 AM
Every now and then I come across a Pocket PC application whose description is so self-explanatory that I feel compelled to try it out. I'll let this description of Lisa for PocketPC 2002 by Poliplus Software speak for itself:

"Lisa is a "classical Feedback Control Systems" application designed to handle typical calculations in the 's' and 't' domains...Lisa supports Bode Analysis and Design, Root Locus Analysis and Design and Time analysis."
Features include:
• Line approximation for phase and magnitude plots that allows users to adjust an existing transfer function or completely design one from scratch.
• Line approximation of root locus allowing the user to drag, add or delete poles and zeros and instantly see a line approximation sketch featuring : poles, zeros, asymptotes, angles of arrival and departure, real axis points and breakaway points.
• Provides symbolic functions for Laplace transform and its inverse. This allows users to modify time equations and see its effect in the frequency domain or vice-versa.
I guess my only remaining question is: HUH?

"Lisa is a "classical Feedback Control Systems" application designed to handle typical calculations in the 's' and 't' domains...Lisa supports Bode Analysis and Design, Root Locus Analysis and Design and Time analysis."
Features include:
• Line approximation for phase and magnitude plots that allows users to adjust an existing transfer function or completely design one from scratch.
• Line approximation of root locus allowing the user to drag, add or delete poles and zeros and instantly see a line approximation sketch featuring : poles, zeros, asymptotes, angles of arrival and departure, real axis points and breakaway points.
• Provides symbolic functions for Laplace transform and its inverse. This allows users to modify time equations and see its effect in the frequency domain or vice-versa.
I guess my only remaining question is: HUH?