Friday, May 2, 2003
Using Pocket PCs To Control Your Model Trains
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "SOFTWARE" @ 12:00 PM,24330,2334135,00.html
"When it comes to model trains, gone are the days of simple plug-it-in and wire-it-to-the-track power packs. On today's show, Steve Pope of Zilog will show you how the model railroad is about to get an upgrade. Get out your PDA. You can use it to command and control your model railroad wirelessly and via the Internet."

TechTV has more information on you you can use a Zilog eZ80 Embedded Web Server and any wirelessly enabled Pocket PC to control your model trains.
"When it comes to model trains, gone are the days of simple plug-it-in and wire-it-to-the-track power packs. On today's show, Steve Pope of Zilog will show you how the model railroad is about to get an upgrade. Get out your PDA. You can use it to command and control your model railroad wirelessly and via the Internet."

TechTV has more information on you you can use a Zilog eZ80 Embedded Web Server and any wirelessly enabled Pocket PC to control your model trains.