Saturday, March 29, 2003
I Spent My Weekend High In The Smoky Mountains!
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 04:00 PM
Err... wait. That didn't come out right. ;)

I took a few days off from work and Pocket PC Thoughts. I spotted the above store within a few minutes of our family pulling into Gatlinburg. :lol:
I did carry my Pocket PC but not my cell phone as it was getting a ROM upgrade, and after getting it back Saturday afternoon I can't tell a bit of difference in my dropped calls with the T68i ROM. My wife's Samsung never drops a call. :evil: If Verizon accepts phone number transfers this fall, I will probably ditch T-Mobile. It has been a while since I relied on a 56K modem for communications, but it wasn't too bad. Probably better since I only checked email in the morning and evening. :)

I took a few days off from work and Pocket PC Thoughts. I spotted the above store within a few minutes of our family pulling into Gatlinburg. :lol:
I did carry my Pocket PC but not my cell phone as it was getting a ROM upgrade, and after getting it back Saturday afternoon I can't tell a bit of difference in my dropped calls with the T68i ROM. My wife's Samsung never drops a call. :evil: If Verizon accepts phone number transfers this fall, I will probably ditch T-Mobile. It has been a while since I relied on a 56K modem for communications, but it wasn't too bad. Probably better since I only checked email in the morning and evening. :)