Thursday, February 27, 2003
ProWord: 145,000+ Definitions
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 03:30 PM
As many of you know, I'm a big fan of Lextionary. This application just might steal the crown however, because it looks very powerful...

"ProWord is the new, state of the art dictionary for your Pocket PC Handheld, with unheard of compression, speed and a wonderfully intuitive interface, it is simply the best.
• Nearly 150,000 definitions that are enhanced by synonyms and usage examples.
• Incredibly small file size: thanks to our bespoke, next generation, text compression techniques. With ProWord we have compressed nearly 24 megabytes of information into a mere 5 megabytes.
• Much faster than any other Pocket PC dictionary: ProWord's engine leaves the competition eating word-dust. Its fast, very fast. Even on low end devices or running from the card.
• The Intuitive Tab based interface allows for easy and refined usage.
Big(5.5 Meg) and Small(2.5 Meg) versions available: For those who don't want to have the full dictionary we have included a smaller data set that still contains a massive 60,000 core definitions.
• Highly functional and intuitive tab based interface."
You can download a trial version from Handango or buy it for $14.99 (affiliate).

"ProWord is the new, state of the art dictionary for your Pocket PC Handheld, with unheard of compression, speed and a wonderfully intuitive interface, it is simply the best.
• Nearly 150,000 definitions that are enhanced by synonyms and usage examples.
• Incredibly small file size: thanks to our bespoke, next generation, text compression techniques. With ProWord we have compressed nearly 24 megabytes of information into a mere 5 megabytes.
• Much faster than any other Pocket PC dictionary: ProWord's engine leaves the competition eating word-dust. Its fast, very fast. Even on low end devices or running from the card.
• The Intuitive Tab based interface allows for easy and refined usage.
Big(5.5 Meg) and Small(2.5 Meg) versions available: For those who don't want to have the full dictionary we have included a smaller data set that still contains a massive 60,000 core definitions.
• Highly functional and intuitive tab based interface."
You can download a trial version from Handango or buy it for $14.99 (affiliate).