Saturday, February 1, 2003
Check Out This Animated System Info Tool
Posted by Brad Adrian in "SOFTWARE" @ 06:26 PM
MagnetBee Software has just announced the release of this new System Information tool for your Today screen, WackyPack.

It shows all the basic stuff you might need to know, like battery level, RAM remaining, and so forth. And, if you tap on one of the icons, it launches that particular System application. The nifty thing is that WackyPack can easily be hidden and viewed by simply tapping the WackyPack icon. So, if you're one of those people who don't like a lot of Today screen clutter, you might want to go to the Handango! like above and download the free demo; the full version is only $9.95.
But wait! There's more! Antoni at MagnetBee has offered to give away 10 free copies of WackyPack to Thoughts readers! We'll hold a random drawing from our list of readers. So, make sure you're registered with this site, and we'll hold the drawing in a couple of days.
MagnetBee Software has just announced the release of this new System Information tool for your Today screen, WackyPack.

It shows all the basic stuff you might need to know, like battery level, RAM remaining, and so forth. And, if you tap on one of the icons, it launches that particular System application. The nifty thing is that WackyPack can easily be hidden and viewed by simply tapping the WackyPack icon. So, if you're one of those people who don't like a lot of Today screen clutter, you might want to go to the Handango! like above and download the free demo; the full version is only $9.95.
But wait! There's more! Antoni at MagnetBee has offered to give away 10 free copies of WackyPack to Thoughts readers! We'll hold a random drawing from our list of readers. So, make sure you're registered with this site, and we'll hold the drawing in a couple of days.