Tuesday, January 21, 2003
Micah Alpern's Projection Keyboards Page
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SITES & RESOURCES" @ 06:00 AM
Micah Alpern is a HCI (Human Computer Interaction) specialist, so he has a special interest in the new wave of projection keyboards coming from a few different vendors. If this new technology interests you as well, check his page out - it's the best resource I've seen on the topic yet!

What do you think about this technology? It looks very interesting to me, but the basic problem of all current PDAs not including some sort of built-in stand seems the first roadblock to overcome. We'd need some sort of "kick-stand" before the PDA could stand up on it's own. It sounds like a small thing, but getting this technology into Pocket PCs will require the enthusiastic support of the major OEMs, and they're not exactly the fastest when it comes to including cutting-edge technology.

What do you think about this technology? It looks very interesting to me, but the basic problem of all current PDAs not including some sort of built-in stand seems the first roadblock to overcome. We'd need some sort of "kick-stand" before the PDA could stand up on it's own. It sounds like a small thing, but getting this technology into Pocket PCs will require the enthusiastic support of the major OEMs, and they're not exactly the fastest when it comes to including cutting-edge technology.