Saturday, December 28, 2002
Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 On Special
Posted by Jason Dunn in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 12:54 AM
I know many of you are always on the lookout for great deals, so when I saw this on special at Amazon (affiliate), I knew some of you would be interested - it's normally priced at $89, but after a $50 rebate, it's only $39. Compatible with Mac OS X, Windows 98/Me/XP/2000.

"For intermediate digital image enthusiasts who don't need Adobe Photoshop, Adobe's barer-bones Photoshop Elements 2.0 works atop the same engine and provides many of the same tools for a fraction of the price. Elements' interface is less complex then Photoshop, packaging oft-used quick correction tools in easy-to-access locations. The program gears itself toward the novice user looking to learn more about digital image modification and enhancement. You can also enter keywords into a search field and Elements will offer up related walkthroughs and instructions."

"For intermediate digital image enthusiasts who don't need Adobe Photoshop, Adobe's barer-bones Photoshop Elements 2.0 works atop the same engine and provides many of the same tools for a fraction of the price. Elements' interface is less complex then Photoshop, packaging oft-used quick correction tools in easy-to-access locations. The program gears itself toward the novice user looking to learn more about digital image modification and enhancement. You can also enter keywords into a search field and Elements will offer up related walkthroughs and instructions."