Thursday, December 19, 2002
Pocket PC Phone Edition Unleashed
Posted by Andy Sjostrom in "HARDWARE" @ 02:54 AM is not for sensitive persons! They're cutting these sweet devices wide open! You'll find tools for playing with the Pocket PC Phone Edition ROM, documentation on how to use it as a modem, how to use iPAQ accessories, a tool to recover your PIN, connector pinouts, technical documentation you'll find nowhere else, and much more.
"Most of the information that is on this site comes from reverse engineering, lucky breaks, UseNet posts, Google's cache and whatever other sources we could find. Some of the information is speculative (we'll say when we think this is the case), and some will turn out to be just plain wrong. ... If you are responsible for the PW10/XDA while working at HTC, O2, Siemens, T-Mobile or anywhere else, please agree that there is a profound lack of developer information that is keeping this device and its future descendants from becoming even more popular. You have all the information, so help us out. Think of us as a small crowd, eagerly scavenging for scraps of information just so we can build cool things that make people want to buy your hardware. We desperately need any and all information you are willing to share. Please don't worry about having to provide any further support. We prefer unsupported chunks of information over no information any day. (And did we already mention that we have really bad memories when it comes to where particular bits of information came from?)" is not for sensitive persons! They're cutting these sweet devices wide open! You'll find tools for playing with the Pocket PC Phone Edition ROM, documentation on how to use it as a modem, how to use iPAQ accessories, a tool to recover your PIN, connector pinouts, technical documentation you'll find nowhere else, and much more.
"Most of the information that is on this site comes from reverse engineering, lucky breaks, UseNet posts, Google's cache and whatever other sources we could find. Some of the information is speculative (we'll say when we think this is the case), and some will turn out to be just plain wrong. ... If you are responsible for the PW10/XDA while working at HTC, O2, Siemens, T-Mobile or anywhere else, please agree that there is a profound lack of developer information that is keeping this device and its future descendants from becoming even more popular. You have all the information, so help us out. Think of us as a small crowd, eagerly scavenging for scraps of information just so we can build cool things that make people want to buy your hardware. We desperately need any and all information you are willing to share. Please don't worry about having to provide any further support. We prefer unsupported chunks of information over no information any day. (And did we already mention that we have really bad memories when it comes to where particular bits of information came from?)"