Tuesday, December 10, 2002
The Palm Tungsten DOES come with an MP3 Player!
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THE COMPETITION" @ 03:40 PM
I'm not trying to bash Palm today, I'm really not, but this is just too ironic to pass up. One of the common criticisms of the Palm Tungsten is that Palm had the foresight to include a headphone jack (good) but no audio playback software (bad). This can be remedied by third party software of course, but it's an often-criticised aspect of the Tungsten. Palm has launched a new promotion that offers a Creative Labs MP3 player with the purchase of a Tungsten...so now Palm can really say "Sure the Tungsten comes with an MP3 player!" :lilangel:

Hmm. Now that I think about it, perhaps this means Microsoft should bundle a copy of Office XP with every Pocket PC so we can work with documents, even if it is on our desktop PC. :lol:

Hmm. Now that I think about it, perhaps this means Microsoft should bundle a copy of Office XP with every Pocket PC so we can work with documents, even if it is on our desktop PC. :lol: