Tuesday, December 3, 2002
Thoughts Climbs the Ranks
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THOUGHT" @ 08:52 PM
I'm probably just asking for it by even mentioning this, but it's a momentus day for Thoughts: Google did an update of their index, and we moved from #4 to #3 for the term "pocket pc". Why is this a big deal? Well, the rankings have stayed the same for months on end: Microsoft's Pocket PC site, Pocket PC Magazine, Pocket PC Thoughts, Pocket PC Passion, and so on. After the shuffle, Pocket PC Magazine is now #1 and #2, and we're #3. And Microsoft's site is #4. Ya know I love you PocketPC.com, but woo-hoo! :lol: You can click the image below for a larger version if Google decides to play a cruel trick on me...

We also managed to make it to #2 in Google's Directory as well, which is pretty cool.
Ok, so maybe I'm just bored tonight. I've shovelled the snow off our driveway four times since yesterday morning... 8O At least our server has stayed up for 17 hours straight. :wink: Now if only Rackshack would hurry up with that memory upgrade...

We also managed to make it to #2 in Google's Directory as well, which is pretty cool.
Ok, so maybe I'm just bored tonight. I've shovelled the snow off our driveway four times since yesterday morning... 8O At least our server has stayed up for 17 hours straight. :wink: Now if only Rackshack would hurry up with that memory upgrade...