Saturday, November 23, 2002
Somebody Call CS Lewis! It's Devil Darts!
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 04:46 PM

"At its core DevilDarts is a full featured realistic dart simulation. Play Cricket or Oh-One against up to four friends or if you dare step into the ring with any one of six different computer players ranging in skill from simple to sublime. Sure to be a challenge for even the most skilled players.
DevilDarts features stylish graphics and stereo music and sound effects. You will square off against your opponents in one of four different backgrounds from the pub to the fiery pits. Utilizing both a top down and side scrolling view you will be able to hone your throwing style with blazing accuracy. Whether you are an avid dart player itching for a game on the go or you are looking for an alternative to the same old PocketPC games, DevilDarts is sure to provide a great experience game after game. Download a trial version now and start shooting!"
• Realistic dart simulation
• Play Cricket, 301, 501 or 701
• Up to four computer or human players can compete
• Six different computer opponents
• Four different background scenes
• Top down and side scrolling view
• Original music and ambient sounds
• Stylish graphics
Further information about the game can be found on the developers Web site.