Monday, November 4, 2002
Speereo Voice Organizer 1.5
Posted by marlof in "SOFTWARE" @ 06:18 AM
One of my favorite screnes from the Star Trek movies is in The Voage Home: "[...] Scotty sits at a nearby Macintosh. He surveys the machine quizzically, clears his throat, and in a loud voice says: "Computer...". Bones steps in quickly, picks up the "Mouse" and shoves it into Scotty's hand. Scotty looks at the mouse baffled, then puts it to his lips like a mike. "Hello? Computer...?" Nichols says: "Just use the keyboard..." Soctty replies: "The keyboard... How quaint."
According to the crew of the Enterprise, voice input is the way of the future. I can easily see why, as it would allow you to do your work hands free. And on a Pocket PC it saves you from getting the max out of the tiny input area. That's why I think it is great that applications that use speech recognition become available on the Pocket PC.

Speereo has released Voice Organizer 1.5, that gives you the ability to input new appointments by voice, and get reminders as recorded by you. Next to that, it contains a phone book with a speech interface.
One of my favorite screnes from the Star Trek movies is in The Voage Home: "[...] Scotty sits at a nearby Macintosh. He surveys the machine quizzically, clears his throat, and in a loud voice says: "Computer...". Bones steps in quickly, picks up the "Mouse" and shoves it into Scotty's hand. Scotty looks at the mouse baffled, then puts it to his lips like a mike. "Hello? Computer...?" Nichols says: "Just use the keyboard..." Soctty replies: "The keyboard... How quaint."
According to the crew of the Enterprise, voice input is the way of the future. I can easily see why, as it would allow you to do your work hands free. And on a Pocket PC it saves you from getting the max out of the tiny input area. That's why I think it is great that applications that use speech recognition become available on the Pocket PC.

Speereo has released Voice Organizer 1.5, that gives you the ability to input new appointments by voice, and get reminders as recorded by you. Next to that, it contains a phone book with a speech interface.