Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Palm Targets Sucker Demographic with New Overpriced PDAs
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "THE COMPETITION" @ 04:30 PM
Seems I wasn't the only one that was questioning the value of a $499 PDA with 14MB of usable RAM and no MP3 player as the new era of sub $300 Pocket PCs unfolds, although the unfolding is going slower than I would like in Dell's case.

"With a $500 pricepoint, I think [Tungsten] is in trouble," Todd Kort, principal analyst with research company Gartner, told PC Advisor. "Dell is going to reset the market expectations for PDA pricing. I think the Tungsten product was conceived during a time when Dell's entry was not anticipated." ZDNET has similar thoughts in this article.
Thanks to Foo Fighter for stirring things.....er for the links. :wink: (Side note: scroll down that Silicon Valley page, guess who has been operating in the red recently and finally turned a profit again? I'll give you a hint - starts with an "S" and ends with an "ony.")
Seems I wasn't the only one that was questioning the value of a $499 PDA with 14MB of usable RAM and no MP3 player as the new era of sub $300 Pocket PCs unfolds, although the unfolding is going slower than I would like in Dell's case.

"With a $500 pricepoint, I think [Tungsten] is in trouble," Todd Kort, principal analyst with research company Gartner, told PC Advisor. "Dell is going to reset the market expectations for PDA pricing. I think the Tungsten product was conceived during a time when Dell's entry was not anticipated." ZDNET has similar thoughts in this article.
Thanks to Foo Fighter for stirring things.....er for the links. :wink: (Side note: scroll down that Silicon Valley page, guess who has been operating in the red recently and finally turned a profit again? I'll give you a hint - starts with an "S" and ends with an "ony.")