Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Print from Pocket Internet Explorer
Posted by Andy Sjostrom in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:43 PM
Field Software, the Pocket PC printing power house, has released an add-on application to Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE) called PIEprint. With PIEprint you can print Web pages directly from your Pocket PC using Infrared, Bluetooth, WiFi and serial connections. Field Software is one of the most awarded Pocket PC software companies. Among developers their PrinterCE SDK has set the standard for how to add printing abilities into applications. So while you head over to download the PIEprint trial version, be sure to check out the PrintPocketCE (Pocket Excel, Pocket Word and e-mail printing), PocketPixPrint (image printing) and the PrinterCE SDK too!

• Print Sizing: Some HTML pages are too wide to fit on the printed page. You can select "Shrink to fit to Page Width" to print a "too-wide" HTML page. You can select a custom resize percentage to force printing a page smaller or larger than designed.
• Print Range: Allows you to select a page range rather than print all pages of an HTML file.
• Number of Copies: Set if you want to print multilple copies of the print job.
• Print Header/Footer: Prints header containing HTML page title and page number, plus footer containing URL address and date/time of print job.
• Reduce Text Size: Some HTML pages print with the text larger than desired. Selecting this option reduces all text sizes by about 1/4.
• Quick Print Button: If you have previously selected printer and other options ... you can tap Quick Print to use current printer and paper selections to begin printing right away.
Field Software, the Pocket PC printing power house, has released an add-on application to Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE) called PIEprint. With PIEprint you can print Web pages directly from your Pocket PC using Infrared, Bluetooth, WiFi and serial connections. Field Software is one of the most awarded Pocket PC software companies. Among developers their PrinterCE SDK has set the standard for how to add printing abilities into applications. So while you head over to download the PIEprint trial version, be sure to check out the PrintPocketCE (Pocket Excel, Pocket Word and e-mail printing), PocketPixPrint (image printing) and the PrinterCE SDK too!

• Print Sizing: Some HTML pages are too wide to fit on the printed page. You can select "Shrink to fit to Page Width" to print a "too-wide" HTML page. You can select a custom resize percentage to force printing a page smaller or larger than designed.
• Print Range: Allows you to select a page range rather than print all pages of an HTML file.
• Number of Copies: Set if you want to print multilple copies of the print job.
• Print Header/Footer: Prints header containing HTML page title and page number, plus footer containing URL address and date/time of print job.
• Reduce Text Size: Some HTML pages print with the text larger than desired. Selecting this option reduces all text sizes by about 1/4.
• Quick Print Button: If you have previously selected printer and other options ... you can tap Quick Print to use current printer and paper selections to begin printing right away.